
Friday, 12 December 2008

Translation using Resource Bundle Editor

One great way to get involved with an open source project is to help localize! On behalf of the User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS project I would like to welcome a couple of recent volunteers with some updated documentation on the Resource Bundle Editor. 

The "Eclipse Resource Bundle Editor" is a great little front end for editing a bunch of properties files - each one of which contains the human readable text that is slotted into the appropriate place of the application.

This plug-in has been folded into the Eclipse "Babel" project that appears to be building up a massive database of everything that would normally live in these property files; and then they generate the property files on demand.

Jesse Eichar has been kind enough to bundle up this plug-in with enough extra stuff that anyone can run it; instructions and the required links are on the Adding Translations  of the udig admin website. If you would like to help out you can follow the instructions on this page to translate uDig - without any development experience.

The other thing we capture as part of the uDig experience is online help in the form of a User Guide. This guide is captured as a wiki; and we have several wiki spaces - one for each language being made available.

For the translation effort starting up we have the following newly created spaces:

For the translation of uDig into Portuguese it sounds like a nabble forum will be used for organization:

Documentation Harmed in the making of this post:

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