Thanks to Oscar Fonts (and the many volunteers on hand) for a smooth workshop experience.
I started off with the Geospatial for Java workshop, it was an honour to be the only traditional programming workshop in the program. Nice to keep some programming in the mix since this is an open source conference. The workshop went smoothly, in part thanks to the on site support of OpenGeo staff Justin DeOlivera and Andrea Aimie.
This afternoon I am looking forward to the OSGeo Live Lightening Overview - it was great to learn about the many new projects available on this years DVD. With a total of 44 project there is a diverse range represented including a new category of software: Disaster Relief.
In a couple more minuets the opening session will start; I am writing this in the OSGeo booth watching people flock to 52 North (they updated to a new version of GeoTools finally) and OpenGeo (they have t-shirts by product).
Jody, excellent presentation on the OSGeo Live disk.