
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Open Surface and the value of Public API

Microsoft recently posited the idea of "open surface" as an alternative to "open source". Correctly noting that a stable public API, protocol, standards are of great value.

This is actually a position I have great sympathy with:

  • OGC open standards are considerably easier to adopt; then the pay to play ISO ones.
  • Sextante - Is propietary software better for developers? noted that when a public API is the only mechanism for communication with developers that the API / Docs / Code examples are very much improved as a result
  • This is contrasted with "Open Source Code" translating as open the source and read the code - a different value proposition to be sure!
  • API stands for "Application Programming Interface" - and is generally the information needed to use an application or library as a programmer. It documents what can be done on a function by function (or method by method) level. Traditionally this was limited to describing the parameters; inputs and outputs, and for really good docs providing an example use.
Related documentation:
  • GeoTools javadocs
  • uDig - does not publish javadocs (as they are generated as needed in Eclipse and shown as tooltips during development)
  • GeoServer javadocs - I could not find them easily as the website is primarily user focused. As with uDig docs I did not notice they were "missing" as Eclipse generates them on the fly.
I will point that the general approach here is to really lean on tools like Javadocs, or Sphinx that process API documentation that is coded along with the source code.

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