
Thursday, 19 February 2015

First meetup of 2015 with Victoria GeoGeeks

Our previous Victoria GeoGeeks event had such a great turnout we decided to try again.
  • Paul treated us to his first ever CartoDB demo (ranging from shapefiles to screen scraping crime data out of the local police department). Good SQL comfort food, and a lot of questions from the crowd.
  • Intermission: an actual paper map with recycle locations
  • Terry Curran shared his work with Marine Data Centre / Pacific Salmon Foundation. A  GeoServer / GeoNetwork / PostGIS stack. Used a tool called jNAP to directly edit the metadata. Check it out at
  • An intro to the BC Geocoder (soon to be an open source project). Real impressive setup with 1.8 million locations an hour, REST API, Batch GeoCoder etc... Some of my old pals from Refractions were on hand to answer the technical questions.
  • I ran a preview of next weeks FOSS4G-NA talk Comparing OSGeo and LocationTech. Comparison are always a real tricky topic, even with a supportive crowd.
Thanks to Greg for helping me arrange the "Sticky Wicket" venue. This time out we did not specify the 10 mins "GeoRabble" format - resulting in much more in-depth presentations. I think I like the shorter format, enough to start a conversation and keep the pub atmosphere going.
OpenSource on the BC Geocoder Roadmap

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